Thursday, January 18, 2007


A special issue devoted to the above topic in:

The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: Issues in Practice,
Policy & Research

In recent decades, queer scholarship and scholarship on race have begun to examine what it eans to be raced and/or sexed in the U.S. Yet despite this movement, both Queer Studies and Ethnic Studies have often overlooked the existence of gay men and women of color.

This special issue is an attempt to add to the scholarship about lesbians and gay men of color; where lesbians and gay men of color find a "home" and what kind of home they find, what needs are specific to those who are both "raced" and "sexualized" and what are the factors that need to be addressed when working with people marginalized both along racial and sexual lines.

Accordingly, the guest editor of the journal invites manuscripts that address issues relevant to GLBTQ persons of color. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Domestic violence against/amongst lesbians and gays of color.
2. HIV/AIDS prevention with gays and lesbians of color.
3. Disability, sexuality, and race.
4. Class issues for lesbians and gays of color.
5. Racism in the gay community.
6. Homophobia in racial/ethnic communities.
7. Negotiating lesbian and gay identities with racial

Manuscripts should be one or more of the following types: empirical (quantitative and qualitative); conceptual, addressing theoretical model development or research methodology needs, strategies, or innovations; reviews of empirically-based knowledge, or theoretical pieces. Exceptional personal essays will also be considered. Papers that explore the experiences of two or more racial groups are especially welcome.

The references and format of the manuscript should follow the style of the American Psychological Association and include an abstract of less than 100 words. Authors should submit three hard copies as well as an electronic copy (either on disc or through e-mail as a word document). Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and returned with comments. Deadline for submission is July 31, 2007 with a planned publication in 2008.

Submissions should be sent to:

Chong-suk Han, Guest Editor
Department of Sociology
Temple University
713 Gladfelter Hall
1115 West Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. Inquiries for the special issue should be directed to the guest editor at or (215) 204-7751.
Further information about the journal may be obtained at or contacting the editor Michael Sullivan, Ph.D. at or (901) 448-4475

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