Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Mission: The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence. SRLP is a collective organization founded on the understanding that gender self-determination is inextricably intertwined with racial, social and economic justice. Therefore, we seek to increase the political voice and visibility of low-income people of color who are transgender, intersex, or gender non-conforming. SRLP works to improve access to respectful and affirming social, health, and legal services for our communities. We believe that in order to create meaningful political participation and leadership, we must have access to basic means of survival and safety from violence.
Responsibilities: The staff attorney will work on direct services, impact litigation, public education, policy work, and community organizing support to advance the rights of low-income transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming people of color. The staff attorney will focus on the areas of discrimination in sex-segregated facilities (such as foster care group homes and homeless shelters), Medicaid coverage, name and gender changes on identity documents, and immigration. Responsibilities include all aspects of developing and pursuing impact litigation; supervising legal interns; providing direct services to a caseload of clients; drafting know your rights materials and conducting trainings of community members and service providers; negotiating with agencies to change policies that hurt our communities; and supporting campaigns of community organizing projects through such means as coordinating legal observing for actions or conducting on-site clinics. The staff attorney will also share general administrative and collective-wide duties with other staff. This position is currently temporary and available for one full year, with a possibility for continued permanent employment following the first year.
Qualifications: Required:Law degreeCommitment to gender self-determination and racial and economic justice Willingness to work in a collective environment with consensus-based decision-makingPreferred:Fluency in Spanish and EnglishAdmission to practice in New YorkSubstantial civil rights litigation and/or civil legal services experienceFamiliarity with low-income transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming communities of colorPublic speaking experienceExperience negotiating with government agencies
Compensation: Consistent with our values as a collective, all full-time staff have the same base annual salary, currently $42,848. An increased salary is possible based on need, such as for people supporting family members. Three weeks vacation time, full medical and dental benefits, and payment of professional fees also included. The start date is April 2nd, 2007.
Application: To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample to Staff Attorney Hiring Committee, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, 322 8th Ave., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001 by March 5, 2007.People of color, trans people, women, people with intersex conditions, people who have lived in poverty, people with disabilities, immigrants, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer people are strongly encouraged to apply.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sinister Wisdom: A Multicultural Journal by and for Lesbians http://www2.blogger.com/www.sinisterwisdom.org
Sinister Wisdom #72
“Two Spirit Women of First Nations”
Deadline: March 1, 2007 Guest Editors: Chrystos (Menominee) and Sunny
Birdstone (Ktunaxa)
Submissions, inquiries, etc. should be sent to sbirdstone@hotmail.com or to Chrystos & S. Birdstone at 3250 S 77th, #8, Tacoma, WA 98409 USA.
Colonialization has marginalized Indigenous women (as well as men), making Native Dykes almost completely invisible. We celebrate the survival of Two Spirit women of First Nations in this issue.
Submissions may be in any format - taped interviews, dialogues, as well as fiction, poetry, etc. Please respect certain definitions, which have often been violated - i.e. we ask for work from lesbians who are Native in this lifetime only, recognized by their tribes or communities (although a BIA number is not required) and willing to use their name rather than a pseudonym (this is to help prevent submissions of non-authentic work).
We define indigenous Dykes as coming from the Americas, as well as the Pacific (Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia), with a land base (i.e. reservation, ranchero, etc.) and a tribal affiliation (Maori, Koori, Cree, etc.). Government recognition of tribal status is not necessary (i.e. we recognize the Duwamish). We are particularly interested in stories from dykes who were in residential schools, Elders, incarcerated, & in honor of those who have passed on (Barbara Cameron NationShield, Smiley Hillaire). Edited by Chrystos (Menominee) and Sunny Birdstone (Ktunaxa). Megwetch.
This week in the Bay Area Reporter I discovered that being out to your doctor remains an issue for queer youth: “Queer youth out in the world, but not to doctors”; announced Chris Daley’s plans to leave TLC as they look for their first-ever executive director: “Daley leaving TLC”; and working-poor and impoverished LGBT families will soon have legal support: “NCLR launches Family Protection Project.”
For more news and entertainment visit the
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I am a second year MSW student at San Francisco State University and am conducting a needs assessment survey of lesbian/gay Asian Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of my research is to determine both what social service/support network needs lesbian/gay Asian American have and how they are getting those needs met.
I need to ask for the help of the members of this list in completing the questionnaire.
I am hoping to gather a sample of at least 30+ participants. The more people who complete my brief questionnaire the better, I am trying to get a sample from people all over the Bay Area, so everyone's answers are important to me. The questionnaire is completely confidential. I will not be keep records of names, email addresses or any other identifying information. However if you would like to receive a copy of my thesis when it is completed you can request one and I will keep your request separate from the questionnaires.
Thank you for your help. I can e-mail you a copy of the survey or if you would prefer to receive a copy via snail mail please contact me off list at khoid@yahoo.com or khoidang@sfsu.edu.
Thanks for your help,
Khoi Dang
Thursday, January 18, 2007
This week in the Bay Area Reporter I met the new chair of the GLBT Studies Department of CCSF: “New department chair has bold plans for queer studies at CCSF”; dug into the governor’s health plan: “Governor's health plan faces details and competition”; learned about both sides of the abortion debate with a queer bent: “Roe at 34 hotter than ever”; and religions are opening their eyes to trans faith: “First ever trans religion summit this weekend.”
For more news and entertainment visit the Bay Area Reporter online or pick up an issue at your local independent or queer bookstore.
A special issue devoted to the above topic in:
The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: Issues in Practice,
Policy & Research
In recent decades, queer scholarship and scholarship on race have begun to examine what it eans to be raced and/or sexed in the U.S. Yet despite this movement, both Queer Studies and Ethnic Studies have often overlooked the existence of gay men and women of color.
This special issue is an attempt to add to the scholarship about lesbians and gay men of color; where lesbians and gay men of color find a "home" and what kind of home they find, what needs are specific to those who are both "raced" and "sexualized" and what are the factors that need to be addressed when working with people marginalized both along racial and sexual lines.
Accordingly, the guest editor of the journal invites manuscripts that address issues relevant to GLBTQ persons of color. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Domestic violence against/amongst lesbians and gays of color.
2. HIV/AIDS prevention with gays and lesbians of color.
3. Disability, sexuality, and race.
4. Class issues for lesbians and gays of color.
5. Racism in the gay community.
6. Homophobia in racial/ethnic communities.
7. Negotiating lesbian and gay identities with racial
Manuscripts should be one or more of the following types: empirical (quantitative and qualitative); conceptual, addressing theoretical model development or research methodology needs, strategies, or innovations; reviews of empirically-based knowledge, or theoretical pieces. Exceptional personal essays will also be considered. Papers that explore the experiences of two or more racial groups are especially welcome.
The references and format of the manuscript should follow the style of the American Psychological Association and include an abstract of less than 100 words. Authors should submit three hard copies as well as an electronic copy (either on disc or through e-mail as a word document). Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and returned with comments. Deadline for submission is July 31, 2007 with a planned publication in 2008.
Submissions should be sent to:
Chong-suk Han, Guest Editor
Department of Sociology
Temple University
713 Gladfelter Hall
1115 West Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. Inquiries for the special issue should be directed to the guest editor at chan@temple.edu or cwhan@u.washington.edu. (215) 204-7751.
Further information about the journal may be obtained at www.haworthpress.com or contacting the editor Michael Sullivan, Ph.D. at msulliv3@utk.edu or (901) 448-4475
Thursday, January 11, 2007
This week in the Bay Area Reporter I learned about crystal meth: “Porn actors set to star in meth campaign”; and I witnessed the ushering in of new leadership for the Board of Education: “Sanchez elected school board prez.”
For more news and entertainment visit the Bay Area Reporter online or pick up an issue at your local independent or queer bookstore.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
This week's Bay Area Reporter is on newstands!
This week in the Bay Area Reporter I highlight 2007’s new laws for LGBT people: “Golden State rings in rainbow of laws in 2007”; speak with survivors of the AIDS epidemic as they enter their senior years: “Surviving AIDS in the golden years”; and followed up on Medicare Part D: “Some don't receive Medicare notices.”
Last week’s story about marijuana being officially a low priority for arrests in San Francisco is now available online: “Marijuana now a low priority in SF”.
For more news and entertainment visit the Bay Area Reporter online or pick up an issue at your local independent or queer bookstore.
Check out Just Out magazine on page 15 for a my story about the new Healthcare Equality Index survey: “Hospitals Under the Microscope: Health care access becomes subject of national scrutiny” about the Human Rights Campain’s and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association’s new survey to develop an index to monitor queer healthcare.
My name is Megan Haines and I am doing research about lesbian's experiences with the feminist movement. There is very little research specifically focusing on lesbians' experiences in general, and almost none on their special relationship to the women's movement.
In order to explore this subject, I have created an online survey that explores these relationships. To take the survey, click on the link: http://www.ff5umw.com/LComm.html
If anyone of this community would be willing to either take the survey or pass the survey on to their friends or other communities I would be grateful.
If you have any questions please email me at mhain6hy@umw.edu or my advisor, Dr. Mindy Erchull at merchull@umw.edu.
Thanks for your time!
Megan Haines, University of Mary Washington