Friday, July 06, 2007

Coming Out of the Closet Again:
Queer Women on Loving Men
(SuspectThoughts Press, due out in 2008)

Editor: Cheryl Burke

Deadline: October 15, 2007. But please let me know ASAP if you're interested in submitting andwhat you would like to write about.

Payment: $25, plus two copies of the book

I'm interested in women with personal stories of coming out again andwomen who identify as lesbian/queer-identified bisexuals.

- Did you start dating a man after you were out as a lesbian?
- Are you a lesbian with a boyfriend?
- Are you a woman in a relationship with a man who still identifies asqueer?
- Are you both bi and dyke?
- How do you maintain a queer identity while you are being perceivedas straight?
- How have those around you reacted to your coming out again?

Submit well-written personal essays/nonfiction, 5-12 double spacedpages. Please include a brief bio, and your contact information withyour submission.

If you would like to discuss essay ideas/topics or if you have anyquestions, please contact me at

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