Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Focus group for Lesbian Women

The focus group is for women 60 years and older to share your thoughts and feelings on the topic of " LOVE". My Name is Melissa Davidson and I'm helping my teacher Dr.Gupta at San Francisco State University with Seniors and their thoughts on talking about Love. I'm very excited about listening to senior lesbians and your life experences. Some of the Questions are " What is Love"? "Is their love at first sight"? When do you know your in love? When was the first time you fell in love?The focus group will last about an hour and a half. The group will be taped recorded so everyone will be quoted. you will not be identified in the research.

To tell your story and experiences from your life will be used for a research studied and used for a book. Your Name will NOT be used. Your identity will be kept safe with my teacher and once the research ends your Identification Number will be destroyed. Please help with sharing your experiences throughout your life as a lesbian with me and my teacher. As a lesbian and student I look forward to talking to you and thank you for helping me.

Melissa Davidson ( 510 ) 741-8004
leave your name and phone number with me and I'll call you as soon as possible. Feel free to ask me any questions. Again the focus group will meet April 19th , 2pm, after the Lavender Seniors Lunch Bunch at the Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave, Oakland. I'll give you the details over the phone.

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