Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bi Survey for The Road Best Straddled: Dispatches from our Bisexual Revolution

I'm looking for women between the ages of 18 and 40 who identify as bisexual—whatever "bisexual" means to you—for "The Road Best Straddled: Dispatches from our Bisexual Revolution"--a memoir/non-fiction book I'm writing about the great bisexual future for modern girls.

I need a diverse group of women to clue me in to what's happening outside of myself, my friends, this city, and what I read and what I see on the Internet. I need your personal opinion, and I need it bad.

It's simple.Go to: The Bi-Girl SurveyHYPERLINK "" \n and fill out the online survey. Be sure to give me your e-mail address so I can reach you to keep you updated on the publication process and possibly to be contacted for a follow-up interview if there's more stuff I want to ask you—there's a magazine article in the works and if I want to use you for that, I'll get in touch with you for your permission and additional questions before moving forward.

Feel free to check me out at to assure you that I'm not like, some creepy myspace guy with fake photos who wants bi girls to tell him all their secrets. My agent is Cameron McClure at the Donald Maass Literary Agency, which you can check out at

P.S. I'm fairly focused on a particular generation, thus the seemingly age-ist bent of the sample size for this survey---I do intend to interview many women over 40 (like my Bisexual Mom!), but this is where I'm starting from now.

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