Friday, November 24, 2006

The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe is out! Check out their website at

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Check out this week’s Bay Area Reporter where I covered Medicare Plan D changes: “Big changes for Medicare Part D”; Supervisor Ammiano’s Marijuana Ordinance that’s in progress to be passed to make arrests a low priority for all cannabis users: “Supervisors pass marijuana ordinance”; and the LGBT Community Center’s capital grant to give the historic Fallon building a much needed upgrade and face lift: “LGBT center gets grant for Fallon Building.”

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bay Area Book Readings for
We Don't Need Another Wave:
Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists

Friday, November 24th at 7pm
Celebrate the release of We Don’t Need Anther Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists, with editor and writers Melody Berger, Elizabeth Latty, and Joshua Russell plus special guests Cindy Emch, Luna Maia, Sherilyn Connelly, Rose Miller and Lauren Wheeler. Friday, November 24th at 7pm. AK Press Warehouse, 674-A 23rd. St Oakland, CA b/t MLK and San Pablo - near 19th St. BART and West Grand Exit of 80/980. For more info contact: AK Press at 510.208.1700,

Saturday, Nov. 25. At 7pm
Celebrate the release of
We Don’t Need Anther Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists, with editor and writers Melody Berger, Elizabeth Latty, and Joshua Russell plus special guests Cindy Emch, Luna Maia, Sherilyn Connelly, Rose Miller and Lauren Wheeler, Lynn Breedlove, Daphne Gottlieb, and Meliza Benales. Saturday, Nov. 25. At 7pm. Femina Potens, 465 So. Van Ess @ 16th St., San Francisco. For more info contact: Femina Potens at (415) 217-9340,

The book's webpage -->
Bi Films Needed for the International GLBT Film Festival

Hi, friends,
A few months ago, I spoke with the folks at Frameline about the possibility of curating a show at the 2007 San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival! The show would feature a bi film or films. So... I'm on the look-out! If you are or know of a bi filmmaker, please let me know.

They do not have to be making films with a bi theme. Also, if you have seen a bi film that you
think would fit my wish list (below), please let me know that too. Thanks so much! I can't wait to hear from you.


Amy :)

Bi Film wish list:

  • No biphobic content, or at least none that goes unchallenged or unexamined bi _characters_, not stereotypes (ie., cheater, liar, bad guy, confused, indecisive, commitment-phobic, heart-breaker, traitor to LGBT community, etc.);
  • Bisexuality is not used as a plot device (ie., the bisexual character cheats on someone of one gender with someone of another gender; the bisexual character breaks hearts or is villainous, bisexuality is the cause of conflict in the film for the characters who are not bisexual); and/or
  • Bisexuality is portrayed in a respectful manner, as a normal (not necessarily normative), celebratory (not just tolerated) sexual identity.
P.S. For more on the history of my dialogue with Frameline about bi representation in film, please visit:

Friday, November 17, 2006

I am published in Portland, OR. Check out Just Out magazine on page 16 for a story about the GLBT National Hotline $200,000 gift from K-Y Brand.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Check out the Bay Area Reporter this week. I was in the thick of it with the Board of Education deciding to phase out the JROTC in San Francisco schools, “School board ousts JROTC”; the week before I met and interviewed two former US Surgeon Generals at the first annual Champions of Sexual Literacy Awards, “Ex-surgeons general promote sexual health”; and learned about NYC’s proposed birth certificate changes for gender, “NYC proposes new gender birth certificate policy.”

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Check out this week’s Bay Area Reporter where I learned about cyber filtering systems and GLBTQ community centers, “Center's computer policy discussed.”

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Meet the new associate editor for the Bay Area Reporter, me.

Yes, that's right. On Friday, November 3, 2006 I was offered the position and I happily accepted to be the bigirlfriday for our wonderful Bay Area continue to check out the Bay Area Reporter every Thursday.
Bi Survey for The Road Best Straddled: Dispatches from our Bisexual Revolution

I'm looking for women between the ages of 18 and 40 who identify as bisexual—whatever "bisexual" means to you—for "The Road Best Straddled: Dispatches from our Bisexual Revolution"--a memoir/non-fiction book I'm writing about the great bisexual future for modern girls.

I need a diverse group of women to clue me in to what's happening outside of myself, my friends, this city, and what I read and what I see on the Internet. I need your personal opinion, and I need it bad.

It's simple.Go to: The Bi-Girl SurveyHYPERLINK "" \n and fill out the online survey. Be sure to give me your e-mail address so I can reach you to keep you updated on the publication process and possibly to be contacted for a follow-up interview if there's more stuff I want to ask you—there's a magazine article in the works and if I want to use you for that, I'll get in touch with you for your permission and additional questions before moving forward.

Feel free to check me out at to assure you that I'm not like, some creepy myspace guy with fake photos who wants bi girls to tell him all their secrets. My agent is Cameron McClure at the Donald Maass Literary Agency, which you can check out at

P.S. I'm fairly focused on a particular generation, thus the seemingly age-ist bent of the sample size for this survey---I do intend to interview many women over 40 (like my Bisexual Mom!), but this is where I'm starting from now.

Survey for Queer People of Color
Seeking lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of color
Are you:

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?
  • African American/Black, Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Asian American, Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, Middle Eastern, Latina/Latino/Hispanic, biracial or multiracial?
  • Age 18 or older?

If this sounds like you, then we invite you to participate in a study focusing on your life experiences as an LGBT person of color, the challenges you have faced, and how you deal with these challenges.

Participants will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of three cash prizes of $100.
The goal of the Rainbow Project is to better understand and promote the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults. Results of this study will be used to improve our survey questions, better understand the links between LGBT-specific experiences and health outcomes, and to develop culturally-sensitive programs to promote health among LGBT people.

We are especially interested in hearing the diverse voices within our communities.
This is an anonymous, web-based study run through the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. For more information, please go to: or contact the Rainbow Project office at or (206) 543-9862. Please remember that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information sent by email.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Check out this week’s Bay Area Reporter where I get to know an living legend, “Party, benefit mark Burnside's 90th birthday”, and reflect upon the historic legalizing of medical marijuana, “Medical pot advocates celebrate Prop. 215.”